I believe in Marriage Equality.
A basic human right, no-one should dictate what others should eat, how they should dress, who they should pray to, or who they can and cannot share their life with. Love is love.
I’ve heard the arguments from those who oppose Marriage Equality, but not homosexual relationships. Who believe it’s enough that same-sex attracted couples can co-habit, that their relationships are recognised as de facto. I disagree. Marriage is important, and if it weren’t, the fight against wouldn’t be so vicious.
Whilst a formal and public recognition of the commitment between two people is a cause for celebration, the legal ramifications of withholding this right are far-reaching. Recognition as next of kin, as family, in situations of medical emergency and organ donation are the tip of the iceberg. Decision-making surrounding funeral arrangements and receipt of superannuation are the next layer. Governmental and legislative recognition of the validity of these relationships tells young LGBTQI people you matter, you are normal in the best possible way.
The Marriage Act currently explicitly requires marriage be between a man and a woman. It also necessitates the commitment be ‘to the exclusion of all others’ and ‘for life’. No one seems too concerned with enforcing these requirements. Nor should they. As quietly and easily as the Marriage Act was changed in 2004, it could be changed now. But the current government is too frightened of right-wing Conservatives to lead the way. To make sure Australia is on the right side of history.
So it’s come to this. A non-binding vote for a basic human right. It’s frustrating, expensive and time consuming, and if the government really felt this was one pre-election promise they couldn’t break, then it should have been part of the Census. However, here we stand.
If this is what it takes, then we must get on board. It’s tempting to cross one’s arms and refuse to play, to protest what is likely to be a cruel and divisive campaign in the lead up to the survey by not showing up. But you can bet the Conservative arm of government will take that reluctance to be part of a twisted and cruel judgement on our friends and family’s relationships as a resounding ‘no’ vote. Your absence will make sure Marriage Equality falls further away.
Let’s beat them at their own game and by their rules. Check your enrolment, check your letterbox and vote YES.
Don’t fill your postal vote with glitter, don’t write additional messages of love on the ballot, do it their way. Don’t do anything that might null your voice. Let’s fight the good fight on their turf, with their ball, by their rules. And win. It will be so much sweeter that way.